How Can I Be Saved? Finding Life In Jesus Christ

how can I be saved

I know how unconscious I was about the things that were higher than this realm of existence. I knew God, but I can’t say I knew Him as I should have. Years have gone by and it’s like a totally different world of knowing Him now.

Well, I wouldn’t say I was a “bad” person, but truth is you don’t have to be a “bad” person to be unsaved. Salvation is not a sum of what you do or try to do by yourself, it’s more of who you are and who you’ve become before God.

You see, honest people even, get carried away by moralism and all manner of things that look like the real deal but are not. People try to be good, kind, patient, loving, etc. That’s a great and commendable quest, only it’s not sustainable by your strength.

Before God, none of all that we do out of our volition matters. No matter how good and acceptable I try to be, if God is not commending me, then my efforts are all down the drain, sadly so.

Like I said before, righteousness or being saved, is not about what you can do by yourself, it’s all about what God can do through you.

Salvation is not behavior modification, it’s the life of God living and expressed through you. It’s the manifestation of a superior life only God can sponsor.

The Bible says, if anyone be in Christ, they’ve become new creatures, according to 2 Corinthians 5:17.

This is the essence of salvation, that if any one would come to receive the life of God that comes through accepting Jesus as the truth, way and life, then they’ve become saved.

Saved from what? Saved from the dead works of sin sponsored by the flesh. Saved from the bondage of death through fear. Saved from not knowing what to do and where to go when things get tough. And ultimately, saved from the second death as a result of rejecting the life of God found in Jesus the Christ.

How Can I Be Saved?

So, from the scriptures, salvation means exemption from the corruption of the world and having the life of God work in you.

The Bible says, in order to receive this salvation,

“…confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved.”  Romans 10:9-10 ESV

To be saved, all you have to do is believe in the Lord Jesus who came into the world, died, was raised from the dead and ascended into heaven. It’s really that simple obtaining salvation.

Don’t let your heart entertain those questions of doubt, that’s why it takes faith to believe.

Faith is believing and agreeing even beyond what you can explain. Don’t get too logical, because logic is not always God’s way. So, believe in your heart, and confess with your mouth and you’re saved!

What Does It Mean To Follow Jesus?

Friend, being saved by saying the prayer of salvation is not all; no, it’s really the starting point for the believer. Now that you’re saved and born-again, you have the onus to serve God with all that you are. You see, being born-again, means what it is – to be born again; a rebirth.

So, if you had ideas formerly on how life should be and all that, you’re now leaving that behind. Your mind should be thinking differently now by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

The implication of being a new born, is that you’ve been enrolled into a new school with a new curriculum, and all that’s taught in this school is the subject of Jesus.

In knowing and following Jesus, the whole of life is treated; from family, to school, work, spiritual walk, finances, health, etc.

In following Jesus, your life is governed by His ideals about everything. So, Jesus says:

“Whoever has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me. And he who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and manifest myself to him.” John 14:21 ESV

To follow Jesus means to obey and do those things He’s commanded us. For instance, one of them says; love God with all that you have, and also, love those around you.

Following Jesus is a resolution to do all that the Holy Spirit speaks to you, following the ways of righteousness.

You now have a new perspective to life – the ways of Jesus ( who is God) the author and finisher of this faith.

How Do I Know That Jesus Is My Lord And Savior?

Knowing Jesus is your Savior is as easy as knowing He’s your Lord. I see it like this: Jesus as Savior is a spiritual dimension, and Jesus as Lord is a physical one.

Here’s how. When you receive Jesus as Savior, you have nothing to do other than believe and receive. You don’t see much happening physically to your body; it’s all spiritual.

But when it comes to His Lordship, it’s your physical responsibility. The word “Lord” can simply mean “master”. And we know who a master is. A master has subjects or followers. That’s what validates his mastership.

So, if you need to verify if Jesus is your Lord, you need to check if you follow His voice and walk in His ways. Jesus says:

“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.” John 10:27 ESV

So, how you know that Jesus is your Savior and Lord? Receiving salvation by faith, makes Him your Savior. But doing what He commands and making it your lifestyle, makes Him your Lord. That’s just it!

Should I Feel Different After I Accept Jesus?

The answer could be “yes” and “no”. I mean, if you’re expecting to see Hollywood superpowers, your answer is definitely “no”.

However, if you mean the overwhelming peace and joy that comes from God, the confidence and boldness to look storms in the eye and overcome, the power to love and not hold on to offence, and many more supernatural markers, then this kind of feeling is the reality in Christ.

When you accept the life of Jesus and through the Holy Spirit it rules and drives you, trust me, your life really becomes different. It’s beyond mere emotions; it’s an outward expression of an inward reality.

Starting Your Life in Christ

While it’s important to receive Jesus and make the dedication to serve Him with all of your strength and might, you need more than spiritual support from the Holy Spirit. Support from the brethren is a necessity.

The bible says iron sharpens iron. It’s a concept that applies in the kingdom. Believers must not be isolated, otherwise, they become stale inevitably.

This is why the bible says:

“And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, 

not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” Hebrews 10:24-25 ESV

You must be stirred up to continue walking the path of righteousness, because it’s not easy. Satan doesn’t want you to succeed. So, search out a good bible-believing, faith-based gathering of believers, or in simple terms a good church. Don’t neglect fellowship with them, because it’s in the place of fellowship you get built up, strengthened, and motivated to keep walking this journey of faith.

God be with you! 

If you’ve received Christ, we’d love to hear about your decision! Leave a comment below and share your story. Also, check out this article about creative ways to spend time with God.

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